Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The God of Small Things and Shawshank Redemption

Two weeks ago, I borrowed two books from the library, "The God of Small Things" (TGST henceforth) and "Chocolat."

I had had great expectations on TGST after learning about all the hype and hullaballoo surrounding it, its winning the Man Booker, the income it raised for its author, Arundathi Roy's popularity, etc., etc., and I am really sorry to SUCKED....sucked a great deal.....

Lot of people talk about TGST's narration style, but I am confused really. The story dragged too much and was becoming very very predictable sometimes. I skipped two or three pages at times without any problem on understanding the story.

Okay, now let us forget that shit and come to today's second topic. "Shawshank Redemption."

I knew that was the number one ranking movie in IMDB, but didnt mind to see it until this week, and I tell you.....I had one of the sweetest experiences in my whole life watching its climax. Anyone who had worked in nightshifts for a long time, say for one year, would have certainly compared nightshift life, at some point in that period, to prison life. I have been working in nightshifts for almost the past one year now and (sobbing) am feeling like a real zombie.

I dont know how Draculas work at night and still manage to find women daily to dip its beak. Of course I am not good in charming girls, but not utterly bad though, but see, I havnt even spoken to a good chick in the past one year. This is just one of those hundreds tortures of nightshifts mind you, there is a lot in the bag. Dont worry, I will write in detail in future.

The speed of day-and-night is 35 kmph in dayshift, like riding a 100 cc motorbike, and in nightshifts....ha ha flys by in an F1, I mean you wont have a real control over days and nights.

I mean...what I mean to say is, Andy, the protagonist, and me were in the same mindset, almost, and I was just jumping up and down seeing the last 30 minutes of the movie. What a movie !!!!!! WHAT A MOVIE !!!!! fantastic....

now thats it...signing off...bye bye

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