Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scribble #2

It has been almost 15 days since I started this blog. I was absolutely busy and didnt have enough time to sit and think relaxed for something to write about....I mean, even *now* I dont have anything tooooo interesting to write, but let me scribble something so that they dont delete this blog off...okay ??????

Errrrr......On the first of this month, I opened this book, which I had borrowed from my office library, "The Kite Runner." Boy-o-boy....awesome book, really good. Generally, I am a slow reader, but this book was so riveting that I finished 200 out of 324 pages in one sitting. To me, before reading this book, Afganistan was just deserts, guns, terrorists, allied forces, oil wells, Michael Moore, CNN-IBN, turbans, burkas, and if anything positive, as a place where Moghul Empire originated. Going by this book, I reckon Afganistan is *as rich as* India in culture and I would love to know more about it now; after all we were one nation decades back. Hats off to Khaled Hosseini. I have started his next book "A Thousand Splendid Suns;" hope I get enough time to finish it soon.

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